Saturday, March 31, 2012

Sleep is not overrated

Logan has been waking up a lot at night again. :-( He's been up 3-4 times a night for the past week. It's like having a newborn all over again. At least he goes back to sleep quickly, but I don't know what's going on. Growth spurt? Brian thinks maybe his feet are cold since I've been putting him in footless jammies. I just bought 3 new cute ones, so that's probably it and they'll be a complete waste of money. We'll try him in some footed ones tonight and see if it makes a difference. He hates socks, so would just take those off if I tried. I just tried to make a new paragraph. It looks fine while I'm typing, but as soon as I publish it's like there are no spaces. Maybe it's an iPad glitch with Blogger? Isabel had a tough day yesterday. She was just whiney and grouchy. In addition to over an hour at My Gym we hit up the big neighborhood park for over an hour. Logan spent at least 20 minutes in the swing. When it was finally time to go I took him out and he screamed and flailed around and tried to hit me. I love carrying a toddler to the car who's having a tantrum. It's like the walk of shame for a mom. Anyway, so we had a busy day yesterday. Isabel was obviously tired and just being a typical overtired almost 3 year old. As Brian was gettign their bath ready I hear a smack and then Logan cry. She slapped him across the face. That ended her night pretty quickly. She didn't put up much of a fight when I told her after bath she was going to bed. No movie night for her. Unfortunatly one of the bad things about putting her to bed an hour early is that she's up an hour earlier this morning.

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