Saturday, January 12, 2013

Bye Aunt Jenn!

We said goodbye to Jenn this afternoon. :(. She has been such a big help these past couple of months! I know I'll miss running to the store to get a couple of things while the kids are napping! That was sure nice. She watched the kids, fed them, bathed them, and put them to bed while Brian and I saw 'Zero Dark Thirty.' Excellent movie. It was pretty awesome just walking out the door without giving someone detailed instructions and not having anxiety while I was gone. She keeps better tabs on my kids than I do! They don't go out of her sight! She will be missed.

This morning we had a birthday party for a classmate of Isabel's that was really low key and awesome. It started at 9:30am and we were greeted with the smells of bacon, coffee, sausage, muffins and the sounds of fun music and kids laughing when we walked in the door to this super modern, hip home. After being offered mimosas, coffee, tea, and/or Mexican hot chocolate I wanted to move in! It was supposed to rain, but be fairly warm. It didn't rain, but we had lovely cloud cover and warm temps for the awesome bounce house with gigantic slide in the backyard! I was taking down ideas for Isabel and Logan's birthday parties! Too bad our yard is not nearly flat enough for a bounce house, because that thing was amazing. I also loved this party because it didn't look like Pinterest threw up all over it. I mean, I love Pinterest, but sometimes enough is enough. No cheesy goodie bags and the 'cake' was Shirley's donuts. That was too bad because Isabel can't have donuts from a donut shop due to her nut allergies. She was upset until I promised her that we could go get Oreos after the party. I should have made her a special cupcake and brought it, but I didn't. Next time.

After the party ( we stayed until noon!) I went out for fufu with Jenn and another RPCV. I took the first bite and almost threw up. The fufu was fine, good even, but the "spinach in sauce" was NOT up my alley. I will typically eat anything, but this almost got spit out. It was unlike anything I've ever tasted. There was a very strange fish sauce taste that I couldn't put my finger on but I just didn't like it. At all. There was another plate with rice and spinach that was very tasty. I tried to stick with that. We ate Togo style. With our fingers. It was a good time and I enjoyed hearing some stories and listening to French.

Brian took Logan on a special mission to get a solder sucker(?) to try and fix the tv in our bedroom. And 'maybe get a milkshake.' I'm embarrassed to admit how much I miss the tv in our bedroom.

I also decided today that I really want to tackle refinishing the cabinets in the kitchen. It's a huge multi weekend project, but I know the end result will be worth it. I'm so thrilled with our bathroom kitchen cabinets! I think we'll start with the island and see how we like the color for awhile before doing the rest. Anyone want to come volunteer to work on our crew?! Watch the kids?!

Here's a picture of fufu and aunt Jenn after we did DIY avocado masks.

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