Sunday, January 6, 2013

Poop Ornaments

Today we took down the rest of the Christmas decor in the house. I finally had to deal with the 'poop ornaments.' If you remember these are the ornaments in a box that some rodent got into and decided to poop all over. GROSS. I tossed all of the ornament boxes, anything paper/cardboard and washed, clorox wiped, clorox sprayed everything else. Now everything smells like disinfectant, but at least it should be clean and ready for next year. We tried to get rid of cardboard boxes and put more things in plastic containers to avoid this problem in the future. Here's a picture from the de-pooping.

We spend a lot of time at the playground today walking some of the trails (until Logan decided to grab a cactus) and playing on the equipment. It was such a nice day in Austin. The high was probably upper 50s/lower 60s. So very nice.

I almost forgot to add that I found the advent calendar my mom gave (that my Grandmother had made)! It was in a box that we didn't open this year. It now has a safe home right next to the wreath made out of the kids' hands. Two of my prized possessions!

Last night Jenn was kind enough to offer her babysitting services while Brian and I went out. We tried a new Mexican restaurant, Tres Amigos, and both gave it a B. Brian had a stuffed avocado, which was amazing, and I had a shrimp chili relleno, which was not great. The salsa was amazingly good, but I had a horrible margarita. I'm not a fan of fruity drinks and when I ordered a habanero margarita on the rocks I did not expect a pink drink that tasted like trash can punch. Yuck. After dinner we saw "Jack Reacher." I liked it but Brian thought it was 'meh.' Those kind of thrillers are just up my alley, so I enjoyed it.

Tonight we're looking forward to Downton Abbey premiering and relaxing after our hard work around the house. Jenn had a babysitting job from 11am - 5pm, so she'll probably need some relaxing too! We stayed up until well past midnight watching the last few episodes of Gossip Girl. Jenn was a little behind because apparently they don't really get Gossip Girl in Togo, or electricity for that matter.

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