Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Dentist and Isabel's 4 year check up.

I finally took the kids to the dentist yesterday.  It was a day I was dreading for some time.  At Isabel's 3 year well check the pediatrician said that she needed to go to the dentist before she was 4.  Well, she was a day late.  I went ahead and took Logan too because I noticed that his teeth seemed a little more yellow than Isabel's teeth and he has an overbite.  Both kids did GREAT.  I was so pleasantly shocked.  I knew Isabel would likely do well.  She's really great at appointments and is very cooperative.  Logan is actually very cooperative with doctors.  His cardiologist actually said (and this is a direct quote) "he is the most well behaved 2 year old I've ever seen."  Hahahahahahaha.....I was like 'if you only knew.'  Anyway, he does pretty well.

Isabel went first and everything looked great and she'll be seen again in 6 months as per the norm.  Logan on the other hand....he needs some work.  Apparently he has incomplete enamel formation which makes him very susceptible to cavities and decay.  He has 2 cavities and one tooth that will need more work, including a baby root canal and cap.  Since he's not quite 3 they wanted to have it done at the hospital under general anesthesia.  He was doing so well with his cleaning that the dentist said that we could wait a month and try conscious sedation (giggle juice and laughing gas).  I'm all for that.  So he will go back in about a month for the cap and fillings.  He may need a partial cap on the other teeth once they are able to check them out further.  We'll see.  I'm also going to ask about sealing the rest of his baby teeth.  They don't normally do it (and it's not covered under insurance) but I would like to avoid the pain and financial burden of having caps and drilling done regularly.  Once his permanent teeth come in about 50% of incomplete enamel formation patients have issues with them as well.  Crossing my fingers he's not one of them.

I really liked the dentist.  She was understanding, patient and took the time after the appointment to come back out and talk to me after the assistant wasn't able to answer all of my questions.  The office is awesome.  It's strictly dental pediatrics, so there are big trees with 'animals' hanging in them, TV's, toys, etc etc.  The exam room is set up in a circle around a huge tree with Christmas LED lights all around it.  Perfect!  The circular thing threw me off at first because there were other kids getting cleanings at the same time in the same room, but I guess they know what they're doing because it seemed like the kids calmed each other down.  The bigger kids were just watching the TV's on the ceilings and acting like the whole thing was no big deal.  Obviously with conscious sedation the kids are in a private, separate room.

After the 2 hour appointment we met Brian for sandwiches.  Isabel was excited to show off her diamond tooth ring and Logan's slimy worm prize from the appointment.

Today Isabel saw the pediatrician for her 4 year well check.  Everything was great and she's doing fine.  We talked about side effects of long term Singulair use (since she just can't seem to get weaned off of if) and she had a hearing test.  Turns out she just has selective hearing.  A problem Dr. Frank assured me she inherited from her father.  Hopefully we can get her off of Singulair this Summer.

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