Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Reading Rainbow

After a rough start to the morning I was lucky enough to go see my friend's lovely new house while it was being inspected.  It was perfect.  Definitely a fun way to spend a couple of hours today!  After that I had Isabel's parent-teacher conference.  I was expecting all amazing things about my girl.  While it was mostly amazing I was a little disappointed that her DRA (reading level) didn't go up at all this summer.  Boo.  Parent fail.  We had workbooks people!  Oh well, she's still on level, so no big deal.  Everything else was good.  The little diva is quite the social butterfly and likes to quietly go 'visit' her friends at other tables while her teacher is doing 1 on 1 reading with other students.  Apparently she is quiet, but it inhibits her friends from completing their assignments.  She says 'but Mom, I always complete my tasks.'  And the other day I guess she picked off some of her hair tie and walked over 4 students during carpet reading time to give her friend the pieces of the hair tie.  No way girlfriend, no way.  So we definitely have some things to work on.  Her strong points were logical thinking and math.  Her father's daughter for sure.

I've heard that reading usually just clicks for kids.  Some are faster than others, but usually in 1st or 2nd grade there is a huge reading surge and they just 'get' it suddenly.  While Isabel can read on level, she is by no means a strong reader.  I'm hoping it will click for her this year!  This about sums up our reading most nights:
In super proud Mom news, I heard that there is a girl in her class who is having a sort of harder time making friends with other students.  Some of Isabel's other friends weren't being very nice to this girl.  One girl even said she didn't like her because she was 'weird.'  Isabel said to her friend 'that's not very nice and I don't think she's weird so I'm going to play with (friend's name).'  Yes!

Logan's parent-teacher conference is tomorrow...stay tuned!

After dropping Logan off at ABA on Tuesday's I take Isabel to gymnastics.  We usually get there a little early so she plays on the playground or we read.  Today as I was reading to her she notices some squirrels in the trees above us.  I'm reading and she's literally going "squirrel!" 

So I keep reading and then I feel a very hard thump on my back.  Those fuckers fell of the tree and on to my BACK!  UGH!!!!!!

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